Christina Earth Song

Hi! I’m Christina birdsong

I’m a passionate learner, former media consumer, avid planner, and wannabe backup singer.

Ultimately, my work is committed to helping those who want to live the life they desire.
By freeing themselves of any self-imposed limitations, they can get out into the world and do their life’s work.

That’s what I do, and I’m beyond passionate about it! Healing work came to me pretty early in life, and to say that it has influenced every aspect of my life is an understatement.

But that wasn’t always the case.

Anxiety, depression, poor self image, and even less self-love were part of my everyday experience. These feelings were numbed by binge drinking, cigarettes, and drug use. My relationship with my family was nearly non-existent. My marriage ended and I lost my home and friends in the process. Digging myself out of this dark and lonely hole seemed nearly impossible.

I believe the right people find us at the exact time we need them, as it was around this time that I became good friends with my tattoo artist, Jessica. She was an incredible inspiration in the way she lived her life, which at the time was “unconventional” to me.
With my friend by my side, I started exploring and building my new life. Having been passionate about reading ever since I can remember, I quickly wore out the alternative healing section at the library and had to turn to the internet. Through my studies in plants and herbal medicine, I learned about Ayahuasca and decided I wanted to drink it to help heal myself. Within a year of that decision, I found myself in the jungles of Peru, helping make the brew our group would be drinking that night. It also happened to be my birthday.

That was that night I experienced my rebirth.

With the critical lens removed, for the first time I was able to see myself through the eyes of unconditional love. From that pivotal moment, I began facing years and lifetimes of patterns, traumas, and emotions- and started pulling them out by their deeply embedded roots.
Integrating these insights has been both challenging and incredibly freeing. The choice to dive into the unknown within myself has helped heal both myself and my family lineage, and set the tone for my life’s path.

A couple years after my initial Ayahuasca session in Peru, I traveled to Brazil to continue my work with mama Aya. While journeying in Brazil, I learned about Kambo firsthand when a couple people told me about their experiences with the frog. Back then Kambo wasn’t nearly as popular as it is nowadays; at that point, I’d only read about it in a book. Meeting people who worked with it was exciting, and helped create a sense of openness towards the Kambo experience.

Upon my return home, the spirit of Kambo came calling *strong*! I couldn’t ignore it, and dove into researching any and all info I could find online. I reached out to Simon Scott and signed up for 3 days of Kambo in Topanga, CA. Frankly I was quite nervous, but felt solid in my choice to explore what this call from the frog was all about. And I’m so happy I did! The experience, clarity, and healing were profound, and it was love at first sight! (Cue Katy Perrys rendition of “I kissed a frog and I liked it”- haha!)

I asked Simon the best way to go about becoming a practitioner, and he suggested studying, receiving Kambo, and assisting in ceremonies for a year before going through training. So that’s what I did- devoted myself fully and completely to the frog path! I flew out to California as often as possible for a year, and then went through training with the IAKP. From there I began my practice in Chicago, and the rest is history.
Kambo is my greatest teacher. Regardless of how difficult the lessons can seem in the moment, I can always look back and see they were from a place of great love and support. Sometimes we need to let go of things so that something better can fill in that place. I certainly appreciate the straight-forward clarity!
Who would’ve ever guessed I’d work for a boss that eats bugs all day! But our union is certainly a happy one..


With the frog spirit by my side, I’m fully present in creating my life.  Viva Kambo!!


When I’m not holding Kambo ceremonies, you can find me:


  • Doing my daily Qigong practice
  • Grooming dogs- For the past 18 years I’ve been making fuzz nuggets look fabulous!
  • Dog sports! I’ve been a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel enthusiast since I began grooming, and love competing in Agility with my pup.
  • Going for walks in the woods- Nature and I are BFF’s
  • Singing in the car- For me, the best way to learn other languages has been through songs. And you can sing loud as you want!
  • Tending to my houseplant collection. I’m going for the indoor jungle vibes here, guys!

Luz de mi vida
Florecer, florecer
Gracias por las presencia
En mi vida
Kambocita mi amor

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