I want to live in a world where every person has the ability to heal themselves, find clarity, and dream big.

It’s with great reverence that I bring these teachings to those in Chicago, Illinois and the Midwest.

As a Master Kambo practitioner- I offer ceremonies from the perspective, practices, and traditions of South America. My mission is to create supportive spaces for people to find clarity, calm, and ease in their lives.



Some of my knowledge and experience comes from:


  • Living with the Matses tribe in Ibama village, Peru
  • Collecting wild Kambo frogs in the jungle
  • Harvesting and receiving fresh Kambo secretion
  • Learning under my teachers:
    -The Matses
    -Johnny Java of Ecomuidad Familia Kambo on Petrona Isla in Peru
    -Master Practitioner Karen Darke
    -Master Practitioner Ginny Rutherford
    -Master Practitioner Steve Dumain
  • Over 8 years of personal study with Kambo
  • Over 7 years of working with Kambo- practicing in Chicago since 2017
  • Over 1000 sessions safely facilitated
  • Training through Kambo International and the International Association of Kambo Practitioners
    -Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner training through the IAKP
    -Advanced and Master Practitioner training through Kambo International
  • Plant dietas
  • Traveling to Brazil and Peru to work with plant medicines
  • Pattern coaching and life cultivation training through RenXue
  • Cognitive Behavior Life Coach Certification


All sessions have the energetic component of the heart guiding the way. This includes the elements of trust, openness, love, gratitude, true respect, and humility. Creating a safe space filled with calm, relaxed, natural energy is of the utmost importance. A Qi field will also be built for healing work.

Everyone also has the option of an in depth consultation. We’ll discuss the most important thing that’s coming up for you at this time.
This can help create a deeper understanding of the roots of how a pattern has formed, how it’s manifesting currently, validating/accepting everything connected to it*, and the role of the consciousness in creating a new, healthy pattern in its place.
(*validating and accepting if your heart feels safe doing it)



In choosing to work with a Kambo International practitioner, you’re helping support those tribes who have the deepest connection to Mother Nature. These tribes are the true guardians and protectors of the forest and frogs. 

“There is definitely a mysterious and magical aspect of Kambô. Taking Kambô on a regular basis brings everything back into balance, physically, emotionally and energetically. It clears away obstacles in life, rids us of unhealthy thinking, and unpicks negative conditioning. You cannot hide from Kambô — it brings out all of your ‘shit’ and forces you to face it and deal with it.
For many people it’s a very challenging journey, but despite that, everyone senses the depth of love that the Kambô spirit generates. Kambô cleans our energetic field, putting us in a very receptive state wherein everything flows easily and naturally and we are surrounded by a green light that draws in what we need in life.”
~Karen Darke


*Please note that none of the services offered on this website constitute any form of medical practice. Kambo is not a medicine. Kambo International practitioners are not doctors nor any other form of medical practitioners. KI practitioners do not diagnose disease, offer health advice, treat physical or mental health issues, or prescribe medicines.
Kambo is a shamanic ritual and ceremony from the Amazon rainforest- it is not a medical treatment. Participants are advised to do their own research as to the potential benefits of taking Kambo. None are offered or implied here.

*The statements on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. They are intended for educational purposes and are not meant to replace the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner.

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